Stress management

With the hectic pace of life, it becomes more important to rejuvenate our body, mind and soul every day. But finding the time and a convenient way to do this may seem like a luxury beyond our reach.

World Health Statistics says “One in six adults obese, one in three hypertensive, one in ten were diabetic”. Stress is said to be one of the major reason. Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress — a negative stress reaction. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach or digestive complaints, depression, anxiety, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, and problems sleeping. Research suggests that stress also can bring on or worsen certain symptoms or diseases.

One of the best ways is a suitable method of relaxation. Emotional relief brought in the Hydrotherapy session is an effective remedy for stress as well as its prevention. myHydrotherapy can provide you with the vital key to breaking the stress cycle of everyday modern life. When submerged in a body of water, there is a kind of weightlessness, as the water relieves your body of much of the effects of gravity. Water also has a hydrostatic effect and has a massage-like feeling as the water gently kneads your body.

Water, when it is moving, stimulates the touch receptors on the skin, increasing blood circulation and releasing tight muscles. Thus myHydrotherapy relieves an individual from stress and fatigue, while the aroma wraps rejuvenates and revitalizes our system. Regular use even cures Insomnia. Unfortunately stress not only affects the mind but more importantly your immune system.
