

Common Ailments Best Treated with myHydrotherapy.

  1. Asthma / 哮喘
  2. Cold /感冒
  3. Dry Cough, Cough with Phlegm /干咳嗽, 咳嗽有痰
  4. Bronchitis /支管气炎
  5. Sinus / 鼻窦
  6. Improve Memory / 改善记忆
  7. Cancer / 癌症
  8. Heart Disease /心脏疾病
  9. Diabetes /糖尿病
  10. Hemicrania (migraine)/偏头痛
  11. Wound Healing /伤口愈合
  12. Eczema, Skin Disease /湿疹, 皮肤疾病
  13. Ringworm / 癣
  14. Improve Liver Function /改善肝功能
  15. Skin Allergy /皮肤过敏
  16. High Blood Pressure /高血压
  17. Low Blood Pressure /低血压
  18. Rheumatoid Arthritis /类风湿关节炎
  19. Spur /骨刺
  20. Dropsy (water retention)/水肿病
  21. Slimming /瘦身
  22. Abdomen Slimming /腹部减肥
  23. Uric Acid / 尿酸
  24. Nephritis (inflammation of the kidney)/肾炎
  25. Sciatica /坐骨神经痛
  26. Blood Circulation / 血液循环
  27. Large Intestine Wriggle /大肠蠕动
  28. Beneficial to Digestion / 有利于消化
  29. Help to Sleep, Insomnia /有助于睡眠, 失眠
  30. Relieve Muscle Cramp /缓解肌肉痉挛
  31. Muscle Ache /肌肉酸痛
  32. Sepsis (whole-body inflammation caused by an infection) /败血症
  33. Body Odour /身体异味
  34. Purging / 净化
  35. Pile, hemorrhoid inflamed / 痔瘡發炎
  36. Dysmenorrhea( painful periods, or menstrual cramps) /經痛
  37. Release Stress / 減壓
  38. Insect Bite / 昆虫叮咬
  39. Burns / 灼伤
  40. Sun Burns / 阳光晒伤
  41. Depression /抑郁症
  42. Rheumatism /风湿病
  43. Menopause /更年期
  44. Athletic Feet /香港脚
  45. Mind Alertness / 心智机敏