Low Body Temperature Syndrome

“Low body temperature syndrome” (LBTS) is a modern day sickness that has attracted attention from medical professionals from all over the world. Many medical experts have documented the dangers of LBTS in their writings.

Medical Researches
Research based on 3 Japanese medical professors who are international experts in their own fields to illustrate:

yumiProf Ishihara Yumi :
• Is an expert in naturopathy and best selling author of wellness books. He is the Medical Director of Yumi Hospital in Japan
• Say goodbye to illnesses by raising your body temperature
• If you are sick, your body temperature is probably too low
• Low body temperature is the root cause of many illnesses
•Increase your body temperature by 1°C, immune system increases by 5-6 times
• Use heat to make your children smarter
•Use high temperature to kill cancer cells
•Bathing in tubs is the best way to raise body temperature 35°C : Cancer cells multiply most rapidly
•Research has shown that at a body temperature of 39.6°C, cancer cells die rapidly .


fujiProf Toru Abo: http://fuji-yama.jp/m/
•A professor of immunology at Nigata University Graduate School
•We get sick because our immune system is weak
•Are you sick? Measure your body temperature
•To overcome cancer, raise your body temperature
•If you wish longevity, raise your body temperature
•Cancer and depression patients have body temperature, usually less than 36°C
•Once body temperature is raised, the number of lymphocytes increase and they are activated. Thus they can destroy cancer cells better (Number of NK (Natural Killer Cells) is higher
•People with low body temperature are prone to illnesses. Start with cold hands and feet, the shoulder and neck pain, then backache, constipation and finally spread to the organs.

enzyme-166x238Professor Hiromi Shinya: http://www.shinyamedicalclinic.com/
• Is well known as the developer of the field of colonscopic surgery (the Shinya technique). He performed the first non-invasive colon surgery. He is Clinical Professor of Surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Chief of Endoscopy Unit of Beth Israel Hospital in New York
•People with low body temperature are prone to suffering cancer
•More and more people are suffering from low body temperature sickness, especially girls
•When body temperature drops by 0.5°C, immune system decreases by 35%
•People with low body temperature have poor immune system
•Recommend to bath in tubs to increase body temperature
•People with low body temperature are prone to have bad gene mutation, hence suffering from cancer.

Conclusion from the 3 books :
• Cancer treatment: Cancer cells cannot grow but die rapidly if body temperature is raised
• Increase of immune system by increasing the number of lymphocytes and activating them to combat cancer cells
• Cancer prevention: Even though you may have cancer cells, they cannot grow
• Increase of immune system to combat cancer
• Reduce the chances of bad gene mutation.

What else when you have low body temperature (LBT)?
• Dr Ma Yueling, China’s renowned Health Educator:
• LBT will result in lower rate of blood production
• LBT will also influence growth of young children
• LBT causes hardening of arteries


How Do You Know If You Have LBTS?
To know if you are suffering from low body temperature syndrome, measure the body temperature with a clinical thermometer. You may follow the following procedure:
• Take your first body temperature 3 hours after waking up
• Take your second body temperature 3 hours after the first
• Take your third body temperature another 3 hours later
• Find the average daytime body temperature based on the above 3 readings
• Continue to monitor your daytime body temperature for a week (for ladies, please avoid the menstruation period) If your average daytime body temperature is consistently below 37°C, you may be suffering from low body temperature syndrome.

There are a few diseases that commonly afflict humans beings and are known to be a cause for a drop in body temperature. Some of these diseases are as follows:
symptoms-of-cancer1Hepatitis C
Thyroid Problems
Liver Diseases
Adrenal Problems
Kidney failure
Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid)
Addison’s Disease (Adrenal Gland Insufficiency)
Dysfunction of the Hypothalamus
Medication side effects
Drug or alcohol abuse
Liver failure

How Can You Recover From LBT?
Here are a few ways:
* Eliminate as much physical, and emotional stress as possible
* Moderate exercise for 12-15 minutes, 2 – 4 times/day (especially about 30 minutes after meals)
* Small frequent meals (on the order of 6/day) that are high in protein, and low in carbohydrate.
* Hot tubs or hydrotherapy. Soaking oneself in a tub of hot/warm water is a simple yet effective way of warming the entire body.

Prof Hiromi Shinya, world renowned colonoscopy pioneer recommends the hot tub as a simple and effective way to warm the body.
Prof Toru Abo echoed his view on hydrotherapy. It is suitable for people of all ages.

What Does myHydrotherapy Offer?
The combined heating effects of warm water, far infrared rays and ultrasound help to raise the internal body temperature by up to 2°C or more. In just 15 minutes, you will be able to experience the warmth radiating out from the body for up to several hours after the bath. Blood circulation is greatly promoted in the whole body. For any LBTS patient, the frequency of treatments matters, it determines the time taken for recovery.

Come down for a  trial yourself. Just in one session lasting 15 minutes, you can feel its effects.