

Ultrasound is simply a sound wave that is out of the human audible hearing range. The most common use of ultrasound that people know about is with our baby scans, which means we already trust ultrasound in our medical system. Ultrasound is increasingly being used in the detection and treatment of heart disease, heart attacks and vascular disease that can lead to stroke. In recent years, High Inten...
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Ozone is nothing more than three oxygen molecules electrically bound together and one of the most beneficial substances on this planet. Ozone is generated naturally from oxygen in the air by electrical discharges such as lightning. Ozone is completely safe and a clearly proven powerful yet refreshing cleaning agent with end products that supply the earth with the oxygen we breathe— and is 3000 ti...
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Far Infra Red

Far Infra Red
Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are part of the sun’s light spectrum that is invisible to the human eye. The complete spectrum of sunlight consists of visible light that ‘we’ see and invisible rays like Xrays, microwave, infrared, gamma,etc. that we are unable to see. Far infrared light is a form of thermal energy. This is the warmth you feel penetrate your skin when you are outside in the sun. Far...
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Negative ion and oxygen

Negative ion and oxygen
Negative IONS are essential to life. Plants, animals and humans thrive when there are negative ions in the air, and adversly, positive ions are harmful to life. Negative ions are produced in nature; splashing water, trees, and lightening. myHydrotherapy produces the equivalent of 5000 negative ions, equal to being out in the forest. Have you ever noticed how good you feel being in the countrys...
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